Caroline Cooper used to enjoy the party lifestyle, now she’s on a new, more fulfilling and meaningful path thanks to yoga

- NAME: Caroline Cooper
- AGE: 40
- OCCUPATION: Part-time yoga teacher and full-time barber
Why did you start yoga
I came across yoga when I was a party girl and needed to change things. I had previously been into fitness but never really done any kind of stretching before. I walked into my first yoga class totally clueless, thinking it would be easy. but when I got there I soon realised it was far from that. I came out feeling very frazzled and envious of everyone else’s flexibility. I then set out to start my yoga journey, so I could twist my body into pretzels like all the other yogis I had seen. I wanted to stand on my hands and do the splits and I got very frustrated when I couldn’t so I would end up giving up and going back to my partying ways.

How has yoga changed your life?
Yoga has given me my life back! My mindset has changed. I am no longer worried about the poses — I have fallen deeply In love with the whole package. Yoga means more to me than just the traditional asana now, it has taught me how to connect my mind to my body and to live in the present moment. I appreciate my life as it is and have so much more compassion for others and the world around us. The time I spend on the mat is precious; this sacred space is my sanctuary, a place I feel safe and secure. As a mother of two beautiful boys (aged 13 and 20), I feel I finally have my life together at the age of 40. I finally know who I am. I’m very content in my own skin and I no longer feel the need to be a party girl!
Favourite yoga haunts
Unlike most others I haven’t been to many of these amazing yoga destinations and retreats! However, I did go on an Ashtanga yoga workshop with Day Christensen at New Energy Yoga Studio in Winchester, which I really enjoyed and found a deeper connection to my own practice.
Best yoga moment
Mauris vitae ultricies leo integer. Mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque habitant. Egestas dui id ornare arcu odio ut sem. Volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla phasellus faucibus scelerisque. Sed risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse in est ante. Tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis. Amet facilisis magna etiam tempor orci eu lobortis elementum nibh. Quam pellentesque nec nam aliquam sem et.
Anything else
Yoga can seem very scary and off-putting to beginners and I can totally relate to this!
My mission is to make yoga fun and exciting, to love and learn as I teach. I want to challenge my students and show them how to do what they once thought was impossible. As I continue to grow and develop as a new teacher, my intentions will always remain the same. I truly believe we all have an ability to find happiness and inner peace, we just need some guidance and to learn how to be patient with ourselves.om
Find Caroline Cooper on Instagram @cazzyogini or try some classes right now on YouTube: Yoga with Cazzy - Cazzyogin