A long-term practitioner and now teacher, yoga was a source of great comfort after Cari Moscow was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago

- NAME: Cari Moscow
- AGE: 37
- OCCUPATION: Yoga Instructor & Actress
Why did you start yoga
I signed up for yoga in college because I was curious. I loved my teacher because she seemed so zen and she required that we write in a journal every day which I still have. I remember falling asleep in savasana at the end of class. I asked a friend who took the class with me: “Are we supposed to fall asleep?” Years later I was living in NYC and my acting teacher also suggested I join a yoga class. I took his advice and soon yoga became part of my routine.

How has yoga changed your life?
Yoga has brought me peace and allowed my true self to shine. I began to listen to that voice within instead of searching for answers or missing pieces in my life. I was a regular at a studio in Wilmington, NC and one of the owners asked me to join the next training explaining that she thought I would love teaching yoga, especially since I was a performer it would be natural for me. I signed up and after I graduated, I started teaching my own classes. My stepdad passed away while I was in teacher training, and I am so thankful I was in a loving nurturing environment during that time. Yoga saved me again when I received my breast cancer diagnosis a year ago. It helped me stay grounded, keep my nervous system calm, and helped me keep hope and faith. I designed a restorative yoga sequence that I practiced daily during chemotherapy and months after as I continued to heal. It is now on my website and youtube channel as a donation-based yoga video.
Favourite yoga haunts
My feet in the sand and the sun shining on my face. I love practicing yoga on the beach. I could be alone, with one other person or in a large class. I feel most connected to the earth with my toes in the sand.
Best yoga moment
My teacher training graduation. It was very special and we had a flying wish ceremony manifesting our dreams. We wrote on the base, and lit the flying paper on fire and then watched it dance around the room. I still have the paper I wrote on and opened it recently. The dreams I wished for have come true. Realising that was also a best yoga moment.
Anything else
I would love to share my Restore Me Yoga Video. You will find it on my homepage on yogaonwithcari.com. I shot that video a few months after I finished chemo so my hair looks a little crazy. I lost 60% of my hair and you can tell in that video but I also love the rawness of it. I want the video to give others strength and a place for self-love and self-care. It is for anyone going through cancer, a break-up, a tough week, or wanting to take more time for themselves. I didn’t start putting myself first until I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I want to share making self-love and self-care a priority with others.
Find the Restore Me Yoga Video at: yogaonwithcari.com