Yoga is for every body
Letting go of comparison and finding your flow. By Ellie Garcia-Reeves
Reading time: 3-4 minutes
Have you ever stepped into a yoga studio and felt like you didn’t belong? You’re not alone. Many of us think of yoga as a practice reserved for slender, super-flexible bodies effortlessly gliding through poses. But here’s the truth: every body is a yoga body, and the only thing holding you back is your mindset (not your body). Let’s explore how to find confidence in your flow.
Try not to get caught in the trap of comparison
When I first started going to yoga classes, I couldn’t help but compare myself to others. I’d glance around the studio and see lots of slim yogis all dressed in the latest trendy leggings, which left me feeling inferior and out of place. As a bigger woman, I worried that others might judge me or question what I was doing there. Feelings of self-doubt would creep in, and I’d convince myself my body was somehow ‘wrong’ for yoga.
When you step into a room full of people who seem to know exactly what they’re doing (and look incredible doing it), it's easy to feel like an outsider, as if you don’t belong. In those moments, it’s natural to retreat inward, want to run away, and convince yourself that yoga just isn’t for you.
The next time you find those negative thoughts creeping in, remember this: yoga is for everybody and every body…your body, my body, and the body next to you. No matter the shape, size, or ability, there’s a place for you on the mat.
The beauty of adaptation
We’re all different, and we’ll all experience unique challenges in yoga due to our body types. For example, tall people may struggle with forward bends due to tight hamstrings and back tension, while shorter people might find achieving a wide stance in poses like Warrior II awkward. Those with longer torsos might need to pay extra attention in Bridge pose to ensure their hips are properly lifted without straining the back. There’s no denying that our body proportions can affect alignment and comfort in various poses.
Here’s the magic of yoga – there are always variations. Nearly all yoga poses are accessible with a little bit of practice and patience.
There are countless ways to adapt a pose to make it work for you, no matter your shape or size. Whether it’s using props like blocks or straps, adjusting your stance, or modifying the pose altogether, yoga is about making it accessible to you. It’s not a one-size-fits-all practice, and that’s the beauty of it. Every adjustment you make brings you closer to your flow, allowing you to experience the joy of yoga – on your own terms.
Show up for yourself and stick to your practice
Yoga isn’t about achieving the ‘perfect’ dancer’s pose or mastering a flawless headstand. It’s not about looking a certain way. Instead, it’s about moving in a way that feels good, finding your own flow, and listening to your body. When you step onto the mat, you're showing up for yourself and, most of all, showing some love for the body you're in.
There will be moments in your yoga journey when it feels tough, when you struggle with a pose or when self-doubt creeps in. Instead of focusing on how far you have to go, celebrate the small victories along the way. Stay persistent. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you’ll become. Embrace the process, trust in your journey, and know that it’s okay to have off days. Each session is an opportunity to learn something new about yourself and your practice. Just keep showing up.
You belong here, just as much as the next person
So, next time you walk into a yoga class (or any gym or fitness class for that matter) and that niggling feeling of not belonging starts to creep in, I encourage you to take a deep breath. Look around you. You’ll see a beautiful mix of people, all with different bodies and abilities. No one looks the same, and no one is doing the poses perfectly. Some people are using props, others are taking breaks, and that’s totally okay. Besides, we’re all too focused on our own practice to notice what anyone else looks like anyway!
We’re all on our own journey. You belong in that room just as much as anyone else. The yoga studio is a place for everyone – every single body – and that includes you. So, show up, take up space, and give yourself permission to practice yoga – exactly as you are.
Ellie Garcia-Reeves is a content writer who found yoga in 2017 and hasn’t looked back since. Yoga has become an integral part of her life, helping her stay balanced on and off the mat. Follow her journey on Instagram @elliereeves.writes