Ready for take off
Yoga on an airport runway
Normally, airport runways are not places where you get time to just stop and take a moment. That’s why we love this photo of yogini Holly Reeves on the runway at TAG Farnborough Airport, where she works on the environmental team.
Each year, the airport hosts a Twilight Runway Challenge where people can come and walk, cycle, hop-skip-jump their way round the airport to raise money for local charities.
This year, the event coincided with the summer solstice and international yoga day. So, as a yoga devotee for over 15 years, she couldn’t miss the opportunity – after a bit of cycling first (hence the bike helmet!) – to perform a few asanas on the tarmac. “The runway is vast, which you can’t really appreciate when you’re sitting in a plane,” she tells OM.
“It’s a huge open expanse of nothingness, creating a lovely feeling of freedom, space and calm. I simply took a deep breath, found a soft gaze point on the ground a few feet away and enjoyed moving through a couple of poses.”
Plus, of course, it was all for a good cause.
The charity event was for the CMPP (cmpp.org.uk), which supports the local community through a variety of corporate volunteering opportunities and events, to improve youth aspirations and inspire and prepare young people for the world of work.
During the annual Twilight Runway Challenge, the local community is invited to join in and run, walk, skip, cycle, skateboard or whatever around a 3km, 5km or 10km course. “A really cool setting for it… and one not afforded to many!”